Parent Election - May 2024

Wed 08 May 2024

8 May 2024

To all Parents/Carers of students at Outwood Grange Academy

Dear Parent/Carer

Nominations for Parent/Carer Governor of the Academy Council

The Academy is seeking nominations for one Parent/Carer Governor from Outwood Grange Academy to sit on their Academy Council.  If you would like to put yourself forward for this position, you will need to complete the nomination form on the website and return it to Andrea Beckett at the Academy no later than 12.00 noon on Friday 17 May 2024.

If, on the closure for nominations, there is more than one nominee, then an election will be held.  Details of the election will be forwarded to all parents/legal guardians/carers by text message and also placed on the Academy’s website.  Voting papers will be distributed to all parents/legal guardians/carers entitled to vote if this is required.

If it is necessary to proceed to election, then the nominees are entitled to provide a statement of up to 200 words in support of their nomination to all voters.  Therefore, if you wish to provide a statement, this should be included with your nomination form.

Please also see a fact sheet on the website entitled Becoming a Parent/Carer Governor of an Academy Council and the Code of Practice for the Election of a Parent/Carer Governor of the Academy Council.  Please return a signed copy of the Code of Practice to Andrea Beckett, along with the completed nomination form.

If you have any questions regarding the election process or the role of a Parent/Carer Governor of the Academy Council, please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk to the Academy Council, Andrea Beckett,

 Yours faithfully
Mrs C Stephenson